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Support > Uploading Your Website

Which upload methods can be used?

You can upload your website contents to your webspace using a variety of methods.

By FTP (File Transfer Protocol). This is the most common way to upload.
Using the FrontPage publishing wizard. You must request that the extensions are installed beforehand.
By SCP (for advanced users)

Where can I get an FTP client?

Microsoft Windows LeechFTP Freeware 95/98/NT/2k/XP
SmartFTP Freeware 95/98/NT/2k/XP
Apple Macintosh Fetch Shareware, 15 day trial OS 9 & X
Fugu Freeware OS X 10.4

If your computer cannot open .zip archive file you'll need Winzip (Windows) or StuffIt Expander (Mac) to unpack it. Windows XP and OS X can do this by default.

What are my FTP details?

Your FTP login information is provided when you sign up for webspace.

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