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POP3 / IMAP E-mail hosting

Backup DNS and Mail

Authenticated SMTP

Dedicated MySQL

IRC services

Reliable E-Mail Hosting

For those needing reliable e-mail, we provide mail solutions packed with features.

Spam and virus free e-mail

  Accurate and effective spam (junk e-mail) filtering.
  Accurate e-mail virus filtering. They're blocked before they can get to your mailbox.

Access however you want it

  Access to your mailbox via standard POP3 and IMAP (SSL) 24/7.
  Works with Thunderbird, Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.
  Works with Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android based mail clients.
  Authenticated SMTP server access. Never need to change SMTP settings again.
  Secure webmail. Access your mail from public terminals, airports, cybercafes, etc.
  SMTP forwarding to Microsoft Exchange or your own mail system if required.

Forwarding, autoresponders and more

  E-mail aliases, e.g. sales@yourdomain.com , support@yourdomain.com, etc.
  E-mail forwarding, allowing you to forward mail for specific addresses elsewhere.
  E-mail autoresponder facility, for when you're away.

Knowledgable help you can rely on

  Prompt and effective technical support.

Note - You will need to register a domain name to use with this service.
From £30.00 / year

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